
Thursday, 12 June 2014

my wild self

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My wild self

My wild self animal  has strong big hands  so it could scarch  my  my wild self  could scear people .it has elefant ears so it could hear people .It has big eyes so it could see . It has teeth so it could eat .It has a smile so people could smile back at it . and it has butterfly wings so it could fly to places .it has elefant feet so it could stomp  everywhere my wild self.

7 mystery in the night

Mystery in the night

In the night i went outside and played with my four friends there names were  Thomas and Joe and Ellie also Jodie. suddenly  i looked at the back  of  me  and then  i heard a sound. we could not get back get back towords  the edge of  the woods where he thought the noise had come frome and thean i told my 3 frinds to come over so we can follow him alwise he mihgt know where my house mihgt be .But thean we all saw a shadow coming towords us so then we kept to gether really still and thean we thougt it was a that was scaryack home because it was cold and fog and we were then thomas broke away frome the group .as  the lights went on we could clearly see.